jowebb66Selfies(0)KS3 lesson looking at the importance of the negatives of taking selfies. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Aspirations(0)KS3/4 lesson looing at the importance of having aspirations. Part of the careers unit. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Failure(0)KS3/4 lesson looking at the positives of failing. Part of the careers unit. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Transferable skills(0)KS3/4 lesson looking at the importance of having transferable skills. Part of the careers unit. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Body image - boys(0)KS3/KS4 lesson on body image focusing on boys, includes the dangers of taking steroids. Complete lesson.
jowebb66Body image - girls(0)KS3/KS4 lesson on body image focusing on girls and how the media distorts our perception of beauty. Complete lesson.